Sunday, May 1, 2011

Summer decor? And, Ernie is here...

When we were camping, over Easter weekend, a stray dog kept hanging around. Two trips, two bags of dog food and 20mgs of valium later (for the dog, not me) I had to give up and hope someone smarter than this blogger could catch him. It happened on Friday and he's HERE. Mig named him Ernie. He's a cute little guy...our dogs have adopted him into the pack. We're going to have to give him away though; since I have no desire to a) have a third dog child or b) apply for a city kennel license. He's a beautiful little dog, who we think is a puppy...but he's so beat up, so thin and so traumatized. He's doing well because our dogs are shepherding him along. Maybe he'll find his own stride. We got the trailer so that we could take our dogs with us when we go places as a family. If we kept Ernie, it would be nearly impossible to travel with 3 dogs in tow and our family wouldn't get to go very far. The two we have can almost read our minds. I need to locate a good family for him!

One trailer side note: I found a clearance comforter at Wally-world online. It matches the trailer and sort of has that original-RV-vibe to it. The futon is a permanent bed now; and now it has a matching comforter/shams to go with the decor. Awesome find!!!!